Navigating complex and nonlinear estates

Arcadia deals with a large and diverse range of probate estates.

Our legal team is experienced in all aspects of probate including managing complex tax positions, interests in trusts and pension products, alongside advice on the interpretation of wills and other documents.

In addition to assisting individuals who are named as executors in wills, Arcadia Trust Corporation can also act as executor or attorney administrator if required.

Understanding the volume of responsibility

Some estates need relatively little legal input but others are more complex.

Executors can be responsible for dealing with, amongst other things, the funeral arrangements, the valuation and collection of assets, the payment of taxes and other liabilities along with the ultimate distribution of the estate in accordance with the terms of the will.

This is often a time consuming process which can often require specialist knowledge.

Managing as much or as little as you need

The requirements in each estate are different; no one size fits all.

Whilst we are often instructed to carry out the full administration of an estate, some executors prefer to deal with certain aspects themselves whilst instructing us to carry out specific tasks on their behalf.

This could range from bespoke instructions to complete the necessary IHT return and/or obtaining the Grant of Probate to offering strategic advice in relation to deeds of variation, claims for relief from inheritance tax and aggregation with trusts.

To find more information on our costs and timescales, Click Here.

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